
Midnight Moment: CONTINUUM

Krista Kim took over 90 digital billboards to give Times Square a soothing vibe! You’d never think it would be so easy to turn the cacophony of Time Square into such a mellow and relaxing place. Learn More here. It ran every night in February just before midnight.

This is a great single view point perspective that highlights the soothing vibe.

Midnight Moment is the world’s largest, longest-running digital art exhibition, synchronized on electronic billboards throughout Times Square nightly from 11:57pm to midnight.

— Times Square Official Web Site
This video is a longer look around, but at about 3:00 the screens return to their standard advertising so you can see the transition back to the madness of Times Square.

Times Square is just the latest stop on the Continuum World Tour. Looking forward to it making a few more appearances.

via Swiss-Miss


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