Are You Still Emailing PDFs Out For Review? Stop it!

For years, the standard method of getting feedback on a Creative Cloud project was to add comments to a PDF. In theory, this is a great method, but as on-line collaboration has flourished so have a couple of drawbacks.

  • An emailed PDF can only accept comments from the recipient, so if you need multiple people to comment you’ll have multiple PDFs coming back to you that each have comments.

  • Google Slides overcomes this by allowing people to comment on-line, but the comments are in Google and if you are looking for feedback on your graphic files, you have to jump between Slides and Creative Cloud to make the adjustments.

Have no fear, Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator have the same cloud commenting system as Adobe XD, Figma, Google Slides and a host of other on-line collab tools.

Just use the Review tab to invite collaborators and upload your document to the cloud for review.

You no longer have to email out a PDF for review. Instead, inside InDesign and Illustrator you can add your file to the cloud and then invite team members or share a link to review. It is pretty much a PDF that gets posted, but it is a PDF file that multiple people can comment on and piggyback on other people’s comments just like Google Slides.

The other HUGE benefit, is that the next time you open the document the comments come back to you INSIDE InDesign and Illustrator. What a great time saver. And once the updates are complete you can easily update the link or send a new link so that the original cloud document is still available for comparison.

It’s not just great for presentation decks, it is great for graphics as well. If you are creating multiple graphics for a project you can share each graphic with a link for review. And you get to skip the “export as/Save as PDF” step as Creative Cloud does this automatically as it uploads the file.


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